Heading into the darkness

Long time no blog! I have had a fairly busy couple mths with our local dog shows and boarding dogs while people have been away on vacations. Nice thing about dogs is that they do not care if you brush your hair or get dressed 🙂

I have a shrink apt this week so I guess we will be making some new plan for me. I have been without meds after the hair losing craziness.  My hair is doing ok after mths of special treatment and a lot of supplements. I can feel as the days get shorter the darkness surrounding me and going to suck me into a black hole for the winter. I have a new dog here that is staying 16 days on, 14 days with his owners ( yes living with me more than them!) and he likes to walk so hopefully that can get me out of the house a bit each day.

I made an effort to get out to my dog clubs trainers meeting. My thinking was helping with some classes would get me out of the house at least one day a week through the winter.  Like a lot of clubs such a back-scratching bullshit buddy system and all classes are covered. ( ALWAYS complaints from some members about taking on all the work but offer to help and they turn you away!) WTF.  In our club trainers get “training credits” which is kind of like getting paid but you have to use it for additional training.  I would help WITHOUT any payment but the jobs are given to the club prez buddies. Such crap.

Anyway… I am alive and ok ( would not say well lol!) Just getting by day by day as best I can 🙂

About Bemused

Adult onset rapid cycling Bipolar II, PTSD, Agoraphobic, Social anxiety disorder...triggered by a Trauma in 2010. I am also estranged from my immediate family. Complete Dog-Nerd.
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2 Responses to Heading into the darkness

  1. kimberlyqae says:

    I love dogs, and how sweet they are to us all. I got to see baby pit bulls while hiking the other day, and they turned my mood from really sad to really happy! It was so cute how every time we ran into the same people with the pups, they wanted to follow us and not the people they came with 🙂 I would have taken at least one of them home, if I was allowed to! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. zebracourage says:

    I’m glad your back. My furbaby boy died nearly a year ago and he was nothing short of my child. Dogs are amazing. I lived for him, now I’m not so sure…

    Liked by 1 person

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